Toddler Meal Ideas

Every day at mealtimes I struggle to figure out what I should feed my daughter. When we started solids, she never really cared for the cereals or purees, so we did a modified baby-led weaning. She liked pouches of purees when at daycare but at home she was all about whatever we were eating, so I…

Color Street Nail Strips Review

I’ve been seeing ladies talk about their Color Street for a while and didn’t think much of it. I had tried the nail wraps before and it just wasn’t for me. Then one of my friends reached out to me asking if I would like to try a free sample. Before answering I did a…

Spring Pieces Under $35!

Happy Monday!! Today I have rounded up some Spring pieces to add to your wardrobe for both the warm and cool days! I own *most* of these suggestions and the rest have already been added to my amazon cart! For the ones I do not personally own I do look at the reviews, I would…

Easter Basket Fillers For All Ages

Hello! I have taken a little bit of a hiatus during the month of March but now I am back and fully recharged!! With Easter just around the corner, and it being the first Easter I am putting together a basket for my girl, I decided to make a list of suggestions for [non-candy] basket…

10 Cozy Winter Amazon Finds Under $50!

I’ve rounded up some cozy finds on Amazon under $50! How fitting is this post when Wisconsin is in the middle of another snow storm? (*This post contains affiliate links meaning if you purchase through my links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Xo) Pullover Tunic // I scooped this tunic up in…

Ultimate First Birthday Gift Guide

Just writing the title is making me emotional knowing that my baby girl is going to be ONE years old this month 😥 ! I may or may not have (spoiler: totally did) given her her birthday present already.. And she loves it! (*This post includes affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you buy…

Easy Freezer Lasagna

Today I want to share with you one of my favorite freezer meals! When I am at the store, I will pick up the ingredients so I can prep and freeze. In Wisconsin it’s finally winter this week! We got hit with a foot of snow and this weekend the “highs” are all below freezing!…

Postpartum Must Haves

Happy New Year! I have been dealing with some sickness running through our house since the holidays so this is my first post of the New Year and it is directed towards new mamas! Whether its your first babe or fifth, I’ve rounded up a list of must haves for the postpartum period! I know…

New Years Outfits for Every Occasion

Hello hello! Hope your Christmases were magical! Anyone else finding themselves not knowing what day it is? We’re on the struggle bus over here! Now the next thing to look forward to is New Year’s! What are your plans? Need a new outfit? I got you covered for ideas for any occasion! (*This post contains…

Beef & Barley Soup Recipe

Every year, my husband and I get a quarter of a cow and with it comes soup bones. This weekend I decided to figure out what exactly to do with them, enter Beef & Barley Soup. I am sharing the recipe with you today, I might be biased but it was delicious!! Prep Time: 10…